SCARED STIFF (Bally 1996)
Quick strategy
In a competition setting or on a difficult machine, it's best to pick one multiball and try to milk it. Your options are Crate Multiball, which both starts and collects 250,000 point jackpots by bashing the Crate repeatedly, or Coffin Multiball, where left ramp lights lock at left orbit, and after 3 locks, a 500,000 point jackpot alternates between the ramps. If the left orbit and extra ball lane are easy for you, you can also focus on just collecting as many Dead Heads as possible from the top lanes instead.
For game progress, complete the 6 Tales on the table to advance to Scared Stiff wizard mode, and be familiar with the right ramp, the spider hole, and the spider wheel so that you can collect all 16 spider awards and start Spider Mania.
Shots and table features
Skill shot
The skill shot is a precise-power plunge just less than full power to the TV hole just below and to the left of the Crate. This skill shot scores 250,000 the first time and an additional 250,000 each subsequent time, with no maximum time. Missing the skill shot can be a little dangerous as it gives the ball some unpredictable side to side movement at the top of the playfield, but it's usually not too bad.
What most people do on a Scared Stiff plunge, though, is soft plunge so that the ball enters the Spider hole from the back, giving a free award from the Spider wheel. The reward is better a lot of the time, and if you miss this one- especially if you plunge too short- the ball will usually end up in the flipper area without hitting any switch in the game, at which point you can drain the ball for free and try the plunge again since the playfield was not validated.
A setting exists on Scared Stiff that makes it so balls will be autoplunged out of the shooter lane after a lock is made. If this is the case, you must be quick and shoot the ball before the game does on its own to collect a skill shot.
Tales of Terror
There are 6 Tales to complete around the playfield to light Scared Stiff wizard mode. Some of them will be completed accidentally, while others take a bit more work, especially if you play through the tales more than once.
Terror from the Crate: hit the Crate until the four lights on top are all lit. The next shot will enter the Crate and start Crate Multiball. The first Crate Multiball takes just one shot to light each of the 4 lamps on top of the Crate, but this increases by one shot per light each time up to a maximum of 5. When you complete the lights and enter the Crate, a second ball is autoplunged onto the playfield. Jackpots start at 250,000 points in this mode and increase by 10,000 for each shot to the left ramp. Any shot to the crate will enter the crate, scoring the current jackpot. This mode is not timed, everything lasts until the multiball ends. If you have collected the Crate from the Spider Wheel,
Crate Multiball will immediately restart the first time that single ball play would resume.
The Monster's Lab: hit 20 pop bumpers to complete this Tale. Once this Tale is completed, all pop bumpers score 10,000 points. Reaching the pop bumper area can be unintuitive: the best way is usually to complete the Return of the Dead Heads tale, then shoot the left orbit when locks for Coffin Multiball are not lit. This will send the ball all the way around the back of the table from the left orbit, dropping the ball in the pops.
Eyes of the Bony Beast: hit the left ramp 3 times to complete this tale. Once this Tale is completed, the left ramp scores 50,000 points, increasing by 50,000 each time if you hit the ramp consecutively with no other switches in between.
The Stiff in the Coffin: the left ramp lights a lock at the left orbit. Lock three balls to start Coffin Multiball. At first, both ramps are lit for a jackpot. After a jackpot has been collected, only one ramp will be lit at a time, alternating on each jackpot collect. The Coffin Jackpot starts at 500,000 points and increases by 10,000 every time an unlit ramp is hit during the multiball. This Tale ends when single ball plays resumes, unless you have collected the Coffin from the Spider Wheel, in which case the entire multiball will restart one time.
Night of the Leapers: hit each of the 3 Leaper targets to light this tale. Two of them are on either side of the left ramp, while the third is on the left side of the right ramp.
Return of the Dead Heads: going through a top lane at any time scores a Dead Head. The first Dead Head is worth 25,000 points, with each subsequent Head over the entire game scoring 25,000 more than the previous. If there is a max Dead Head award, it is at least 1,300,000. Complete the top lanes to light this Tale. Lit top lanes can be rotated via lane change with either flipper. Completing the top lanes when this Tale is already lit advances the bonus multiplier. If this tale is not lit, or if both this tale and Monster's Lab are lit, the left orbit should direct the ball into the top lanes. No matter what, the extra ball lane just to the right of the Crate is a way to collect top lanes as well.
Once you complete all 6 Tales, Scared Stiff is lit. (If your last Tale was one of the multiballs, Scared Stiff will not be lit until single ball play resumes.) When Scared Stiff is lit, there's nothing to do other than shoot the Crate, because everything is unlit aside from the Spell targets explained later. Shoot the crate to start Scared Stiff. This is a 30 second timed mode where your goal is to collect 10 jackpots. Odd numbered jackpots can be collected on either ramp. Even numbered jackpots must be collected at the Crate. Your jackpot progress can be tracked by the meter set into the playfield. The first jackpot scores 250,000 points. Each subsequent jackpot scores 50,000 more than the previous, up to 650,000 for jackpot #9. The 10th jackpot, Scared Stiff, causes the machine to freak out; you score 5,000,000 points, extra ball is lit, and Monster Multiball begins, which is a 4-ball multiball where both ramps and the crate are always lit for 1,000,000 point jackpots until one ball is left in play.
If time runs out or the ball drains during Scared Stiff, all 6 Tales will unlight, and you must play them all again for another chance; however, your progress and the number of jackpots you collected will carry over to the second time around.
Right ramp and the Spider wheel
The right ramp scores 25,000 points. Consecutive shots to the right ramp score 100,000, then 150,000, etc., up to a maximum of 450,000 points. At 3 right ramps, your base bonus is held to the next ball. At 8 and 30 right ramps, extra ball is lit.
Shoot the Spider hole just to the right of the right ramp when it is lit to spin the Spider wheel on the backglass. If the Spider hole is not lit, shoot the right ramp to light it: the right ramp will then also score a Web Bonus equal to 50,000 points times the number of Spider wheel awards colelcted so far.
When you shoot the Spider hole to spin the wheel, the spider on the backglass will rotate. Use the flippers to stop him spinning. Whatever the red part of him is pointing to is the award you get. There are 16 awards in all. If you stop on an award that's lit (because it has already been collected), you get nothing and the spin was wasted. The awards are:
Eyes: collect all three to light an extra ball
Deadheads: two of these, which each spot you one of the Dead Head lanes
Light jackpot: worth 250,000 points on the left ramp, good for one collect only
Double Trouble: 2x playfield scoring for 20 seconds
Scared guy: Beat the Crate mode. The Scared Stiff meter will constantly raise and lower. For 20 seconds, any hit to the Crate scores 25,000 points times whatever number is lit when you hit it.
Coffin: this awards lights a Coffin lock on the left orbit, or spots a Coffin lock if it was already lit. Collecting the Coffin also extends Coffin multiball, which means the multiball will restart the first time that single ball play would otherwise resume.
Crystal balls: two of these, which give "telepathetic" mystery awards. Possible awards include 250,000 or 500,000 points, light extra ball, light lock, or 3 bonus multipliers.
Monster's Lab: 10 free bumper hits.
Boogie man: a 20 second frenzy mode where all switch hits score 10,000 points. The 10,000 frenzy value can be increased by 5,000 every time the ball enters the TV hole, the Crate, or the Spider hole. Scoring from this mode is added to your end-of-ball bonus, not your current score.
Crate: spots one Crate hit and extends Crate multiball.
Frog: Instantly starts Leaper Mania. This is a 20-second mode where the goal is to hit 5 Leaper targets. The first time in the game that this is completed, extra ball is lit. After that, completing the mode scores 250,000 points. Leaper Mania can also be started outside of the Spider wheel with every 20 hits to any of the three leaper targets.
Bony Beast: a 200,000 point hurry-up collectible at the left ramp.
Collecting all 16 awards completes the Spider Web, and starts Spider Mania. During Spider Mania, everything on the wheel is recollected:
Boogie Man is started
Beat the Crate is started
Extra ball is lit
Leaper Mania is started
Ramp jackpots score 500,000 points
The crystal balls award a Telepathetic Special
The Bony Beast ramp and all Dead Heads score 500,000 points
Double Trouble is lit, doubling all scoring for 20 seconds
Crate and Coffin jackpots score 500,000 points
Pop bumpers score 100,000 points
4-ball multiball begins
Everything is lit! Boogie Man, Beat the Crate, Leaper Mania, and Double Trouble all still last for just 20 seconds, but all of the other scoring rules last until single ball play resumes. Not much else to say here other than have fun and rack up those jackpots. As far as this game's two wizard modes go, Spider Mania is much more difficult than Scared Stiff, so congratulations if you get this far.
Secret passage
A weak left orbit shot that doesn't quite make it to the Dead Head lanes can fall into a hidden fourth lane that spots an entire Tale for you! During Scared Stiff, this secret lane also spots one jackpot, but there's not really any reason to try to do that on purpose.
Bottom of the table
Scared Stiff has a conventional in/out lane setup. There is a kickback in the left out lane that can be lit by completing the Cast a Spell standup targets in the lower left of the table two times. Completing those targets when the kickback is already lit scores 100,000 points. On the right is a Telepathetic Power target that toggles whether or not the right out lane is lit. If it is, draining through the right out lane scores a Telepathetic mystery award, though I believe in this case the only things it can give are points and bonus multipliers.
Bonus and bonus multiplier
Base bonus appears to just be a count of switch hits: I am not sure exactly how it is calculated. Only the base bonus is affected by bonus multiplier, which is advanced by Telepathetic awards or by completing the top Dead Head lanes when the Return of the Dead Heads tale is already lit. Getting to 8X bonus multiplier lights an extra ball; I believe 12X is the maximum. After base bonus, you get other points added to your bonus for:
10,000 points per Dead Head collected in the game
10,000 points per Scared Stiff jackpot collected in the game
100,000 points per Leaper hit during Leaper Mania
Any points earned from Boogie Man Boogie or Beat the Crate
There is no mid-ball bonus collect. 3 right ramps over the course of the game gives you a one-time hold bonus, but this just holds the base bonus for one ball. There is no way to carry bonus multiplier between balls.