DEADPOOL (Pro) Stern 2018
Rules Overview:
Start Battles by shooting the scoop (complete DEAD if one isn’t currently lit). Shoot the flashing shots to defeat the enemy, then shoot the scoop to finish them off. Complete Team-Up shots to bring allies into the battle, making them easier to complete and potentially scoring more.
Start Quests by shooting the right orbit, collecting chimichangas at the orange shots, then shooting the scoop. Follow the instructions marked on the display to win each Quest.
Complete the drop targets and shoot the standup target behind them twice, then start Lil’ Deadpool Multiball with another shot to the drop targets. This is best used while a Battle is running.
Lock 3 balls at the right ramp to start Ninja Multiball.
Light and cash out weapons by shooting major shots and the scoop to start Mechsuit Multiball.
Spell BOOM to qualify the Boom Button, which spots the highest value shot on the playfield (other than the scoop). Stack 4 BOOMs at once to qualify a Big Boom that spots everything.
Complete the ramp diamonds to start Katanarama Time for big points at all major shots.
Increase the playfield multiplier up to 5x by ricocheting a ball off the SNIKT target and onto the right ramp.
Spell DEADPOOL to light Mystery. Every 3 target completions lights the left outlane for Regeneration ball save.
Skill Shots:
Lane Skill Shot: Plunge into the flashing BAM! lane for 2.5 million + 250k per skill shot. You can change the flashing lane before the ball is launched, but the lane is locked in upon reaching the first sensor in the shooter lane.
Super Skill Shot: Hold the left flipper and then shoot up the right ramp for 5 million + 500k per skill shot. This will also collect anything lit at the right ramp.
MXV Skill Shot: Hold the left flipper then shoot the right orbit - right ramp combo to collect 12.5 million + 750k per skill shot and the current Ninjapocalypse value.
Super Secret Skill Shot: Hold the left flipper then shoot the SNIKT target - right ramp combo for 15 million + 1 million per skill shot and +1 Playfield X.
Battle modes can be started at the scoop at the start of each ball, or after completing the DEAD targets. Battle modes are played out like a side scrolling fighter; each flashing shot, including Team-Up shots if applicable, deals damage, and the scoop (within 10 seconds of winning the battle) finishes each enemy off. Deadpool will take damage at certain intervals if lit shots aren’t being made. Running out of health or draining during the battle will result in a loss. However, any progress made will be saved with a fresh Deadpool health bar on your next attempt.
Juggernaut: Hit any 4 D-E-A-D or P-O-O-L standup/drop targets to taunt Juggernaut, prevent him from attacking, and light all of the main shots for damage for 20 seconds (at which point the targets have to be shot again).
Mystique: Center spinner, then both ramps, then all three shots will remain lit. Shooting the respective Team-Up shot if it’s available when Mystique transforms into a partner will deal significant damage.
Sabretooth: Shoot either orbit or the center spinner for damage. All orbit shots during this battle feed the top lanes and pop bumpers for additional damage.
The Final Shot value at the scoop correlates to Deadpool’s remaining health and how quickly the opponent was defeated. A near-full health bar will be worth roughly 30M. If you drain with the Final Shot lit, you will still get credit for defeating the opponent. However, if you tilt with the Final Shot lit, you will not get completion credit.
Sauron Multiball & Level 2 Battles:
Winning all three battles will light Sauron at the scoop for 3-ball multiball play. Shoot the left ramp and right ramp two times each for Jackpots, then shoot the U-Turn loop to Colossal Jackpot target for a Super Jackpot. Remember that you can collect the initial wave of four Jackpots using the BOOM Button!
After playing Sauron Multiball, the three battles must be played again, but this time with some added interference from Sauron. During the battle, Sauron may resurface and prevent the player from defeating their opponent until they shoot both ramps once to deal damage to Sauron. Winning all three level 2 battles lights the scoop for Clone Multiball.
During normal single-ball play, with no major modes running, shooting any shot with a “Team-Up!” icon in front of it twice (+1 if the team-up has already been used during a game) will qualify their corresponding character’s Team-Up ability and cause them to deal damage during any battle:
Dazzler: Shoot the left orbit to qualify. Increases Deadpool’s health bar and adds more time.
Colossus: Shoot the U-Turn to qualify. Doubles all points during the Battle.
Wolverine: Shoot the center spinner to qualify. Doubles all damage given to the opponent during the Battle.
Domino: Shoot the right orbit to qualify. Awards increased scoring for certain features that are different for each opponent (targets for Juggernaut, spinner for Mystique, bumpers for Sabretooth).
Shoot the right orbit to advance the chimichanga truck and light chimichangas (in orange) at all major shots. Only one shot is needed to fully advance the truck the first time; subsequent Quests require one more right orbit shot. Collecting 3 (+1 per Quest, to a max of 8) chimichangas completes your punch card and lights Quest at the scoop. Note that if you have Quest and Battle lit at the scoop, you don’t have to select a Quest - you can select a Battle instead if you want to.
During both quests, Deadpool travels back in time to acquire an artifact from a prehistoric creature. Both quests have completion criteria; once the requirements of the quest have been satisfied, shoot the scoop to finish the quest and earn a large Mode Jackpot bonus (a percentage of all points scored during the quest!). Both quests save progress if failed. Similarly to Battles, if you drain with the final shot of a quest lit, you get credit for completing the quest, but you obviously miss out on the Mode Jackpot.
Winning both Quests and playing Sauron Multiball lights the scoop to battle the Megakrakolodonus Rex.
T-Rex Quest: Shoot lit green shots to drop the Lil’ Deadpool drop targets, then make the hurry up at the Lil’ Deadpool stand-up target to throw a bomb at the T-Rex. Making additional green shots before hitting the Lil’ Deadpool stand-up will increase the value of the hurry up. After throwing five bombs, shoot the scoop to collect the Mode Jackpot and finish the Quest.
Megalodon Quest: Almost every shot is lit in light blue for a small amount of points. However, there is one strobing insert that moves around the playfield and flashes red. This shot represents the Megalodon you have to defeat during the mode, which will only move between lit shots (which relight once the red shot has been made). Shoot the red shot 5 times to defeat the Megalodon, then shoot the scoop to collect the Mode Jackpot and finish the quest.
Lil' Deadpool:
Expose the Lil’ Deadpool stand-up target by shooting the OOF drop target bank in front of it, then shoot it 2 times (+1 per mode) to start a Lil’ Deadpool mode (indicated by the fully green insert). Hitting the standup when the large insert is green will physically lock the ball behind the drop target bank. After a Lil’ Deadpool mode is played, complete a Battle or Quest to qualify the lock procedure for the next Lil’ Deadpool mode.
The Lil’ Deadpool modes are always awarded in this order, and can be activated during normal play or Battles, but not during Quests or any multiball modes:
Lil’ Deadpool Multiball: A new ball is released into the shooter lane and a hurry-up starts counting down from 500k points. Hit the drop target bank to release the captured ball and lock in the hurry-up value as your jackpot, which can be collected 5 times at the Lil’ Deadpool target, then 5 times for 2x at the flashing red major shots. Collect 5 double jackpots, then lock a ball at the Lil’ Deadpool target to light the spinners for Super Jackpot (500k per spin). The multiball then resets, with higher scoring for each jackpot wave.
Lil’ Deadpool Frenzy: 60-second timed mode where all switches score 100k. The Lil’ Deadpool target boosts the switch value (by?)
Lil’ Deadpool Bounce: All 11 targets (DEAD, OOF, and POOL) rove from left to right. Hit any lit target for a bonus depending on which target was hit - OOF = 5m, any non bottom-most side target = 7.5m, any bottom-most side target = 10m. Collecting three targets lights the Lil’ Deadpool target for a jackpot equal to the three target values awarded, +1 Playfield X for the remainder of the ball, and some magic unicorn poo (it can’t all be good!).
Multiball Modes:
Ninja Multiball:
Lock 3 balls at the right katana ramp to start Ninja Multiball. These locks are lit by default at the start of a game and can be relit one-at-a-time by completing the POOL targets after Ninja Multiball has been played once.
During Ninja Multiball, shoot all of the major shots for Jackpots determined by the number of Ninja Stars the player has collected. This will qualify a Super Jackpot at the right ramp, which is the sum of every Jackpot collected up to that point. Ninja Multiball can stack into Battles and Quests.
Mechsuit Multiball:
Cash out 45 weapons by shooting white shots followed by the scoop, then shoot the scoop while no other modes are running to start the 4-ball Mechsuit Multiball. Collecting 150, 250, 350, etc. weapons re-enables Mechsuit Multiball at the scoop.
All shots are lit for a jackpot that starts at 5M and increases by 100K for subsequent jackpots. Collecting a jackpot unlights that shot; collecting a different one unlights that shot and relights the previous shot, etc. After 5 jackpots, a Super Jackpot is lit at the scoop, although the other Jackpots can still be made. Super jackpot is 15 million + ( 250k x number of jackpots collected since multiball started ) and increases the base Jackpot value by 1 million.
Other Scoring:
BOOM Button:
Spell BOOM at the return lanes, which cycle with the flippers, to qualify the Boom Button. Press the action button when flashing to spot the highest value shot on the playfield (other than the scoop). Completing BOOM 4 times without using the button will light the button red for “Big Boom”, which collects all of the lit shots (though a normal Boom Button use can still be used at this time by holding the boom button). Available Boom Button uses are displayed on the right side of the display. Note that if no shots are lit or all shots are the same value, the game gives priority to shots on the left of the playfield.
Chimichangas, Weapons & Ninja Stars:
Chimichangas: Collect Chimichangas by shooting the right orbit to advance the chimichanga truck, then shooting the orange shots (as described in **Quests). Each chimichanga adds 250k to end-of-ball bonus and several Insider achievements require them to be collected.
Weapons: Shoot white shots, followed by the scoop, to cash out weapons determined by the number of shots that were made before the scoop. Cashing out 25 weapons lights the extra ball, Mechsuit Multiball is lit at 45, 150, 250, 350, etc. weapons, and every 100, 200, 300, etc. weapons adds +1 Playfield X for the remainder of the game. Weapons add 100k to end-of-ball bonus.
Ninja Stars: Bumper hits light the major shots in blue to collect a ninja star, which increase the jackpot values for Ninja Multiball. 10 Ninja Stars, along with 5 million + 500k per combo, can also be collected at once by scoring the Ninjapocalypse right orbit - right ramp combo. Scoring 50 Ninja Stars lights the extra ball, and each Ninja Star adds 100k to end-of-ball bonus.
Katanarama Time:
Collect 3 diamonds at both ramp shots to begin Katanarama Time. This is a 30-second timed mode where the left orbit, left ramp, right ramp, and right orbit score values that start at 1 million and increase by 250 for each successful shot. This mode can start at any time during play.
Colossal Jackpot:
Making two shots (+2 for each qualification) all the way through the u-turn to the Colossal Jackpot target will qualify the Colossal Jackpot at the same target. This Jackpot is determined by switch hits, with switch hits while the jackpot is lit adding more to the value. It can be doubled with a strong shot to the U-turn that hits the target, and it can be further multiplied by any ongoing Playfield X.
Berserker Rage:
45-second timed spinner mode, lit after 4 (+1) center loop shots, which starts by shooting the flashing center loop. Spinners award an increasing value per spin, bumpers increase it. Other features can still be started when this mode is active, and the mode can also start during other features.
Playfield X:
Playfield X can range from 2x to 5x. Playfield X has a “base” component that starts at 1x, but can be increased by completing Lil’ Deadpool Bounce (for the rest of the ball), or from every 100 weapons collected (for the rest of the game).
Playfield X can be boosted temporarily by rebounding off the SNIKT standup target onto the right katana ramp, and the timer can be extended by a few seconds with any shot to the SNIKT! target. The higher your temporary Playfield X is, the quicker it times out. At 5x playfield, the SNIKT! combo will only increase the timer.
The DEADPOOL targets score awards when they are completed, either by themselves or as a complete set.
Completing DEAD lights Battle at the scoop if one isn’t lit.
Completing POOL lights the lock for Ninja Multiball at the right katana ramp if it isn’t lit.
Completing DEADPOOL lights Mystery at the scoop.
Every 3 completions of DEADPOOL lights the left outlane for Regeneration ball save.
Mystery is lit at the scoop by completing the DEADPOOL targets. Mystery will typically award an “Add-A-Ball” if available during any
Other awards are:
Light Ninja Lock (if one isn’t lit)
Ghost X Ninja
Collect X Weapons (1 - 10)
Advance Chimichanga Truck
Light Extra Ball (percentage-based)
Light Special (percentage-based)
Keep an eye on the “joke” awards that are never selected - some good laughs here.
Extra Balls: Extra Ball can be lit at the scoop by:
Collecting 25 weapons
Collecting 50 Ninja Stars
Rare mystery award
Special: Special can be lit at the U-Turn by:
Rare mystery award
Winning the Final Battle
End-of-Ball Bonus:
Chimichangas are worth 250K each.
Ninja Stars are worth 100K each.
Weapons are worth 100K each.
All multiplied by the bonus multiplier, which is increased each time the 4 top BAM! lanes are completed. Bonus is automatically held between balls (not the bonus multiplier though). A consolation bonus of 10 points is awarded if you have none of the above.
Mr. Sinister Modes:
The Megakrakolodonus Rex:
Lit at the scoop after playing Sauron Multiball and winning both quests. Mr. Sinister has outplayed Deadpool! The two artifacts he sought in the Quests have genetically mutated into the vicious Megakrakolodonus Rex.
This is a single-ball mode with a short ball saver at the start. Shoot the flashing blue shots to build up a jackpot and eventually reveal the mutation’s weak spot. While the Megakrakolodonus Rex is vulnerable, you have 10 seconds to bash the Lil’ Deadpool target as many times as you can to score a 1x, 2x, 3x, etc… jackpot. Assuming he has health left, you return to phase 1 for more blue shots and jackpot building. 15 shots to the target will finish him off and light the scoop to finish him off for the Mode Jackpot. Just like any other Quest, progress is saved if you drain.
Clone Multiball:
Complete all 3 Level 2 Battles to qualify. More info needed.
The Final Battle:
Complete both mini-wizard modes listed above, along with playing Mechsuit Multiball (which you very likely would have by this point), to qualify the final wizard mode at the scoop. Time to defeat Mr. Sinister (this time it’s personal!).
This mode starts as a 45-second timed single-ball mode where all 4 team-up shots must be made (what happens if time runs out?). After making all 4 shots, a 70-second timed multiball begins: shoot blue shots to collect jackpots until time runs out. Lit Team-Up shots double the jackpot value. Hit Final Shot for big points in the last 15 seconds of the multiball. At the end, all balls drain, all modes reset, and a new ball is served to the shooter lane. The Special will also light upon completion of this mode.