Song Choice:
At the start of each ball, you can select your soundtrack of choice. This is cosmetic only, it doesn’t affect gameplay. On subsequent balls, the chosen song will continue from when you drained, unless you cycle through other songs before you plunge a ball.
Skill Shots:
Soft plunge into the skill shot target to score a skill shot for 1M, +1 EDDIE letter, and +5 seconds of ball saver time.
Hold the left flipper and plunge to the inner orbit. The ball will roll back down to the upper flipper. Shoot the Super Jackpot target to score a Super Skill Shot worth 5M, a lit Playfield X, and +10 seconds of ball saver time.
There are also at least three Secret Skill Shots…
Eddie Battles:
Qualify one of the five Eddie Battle mode by shooting white arrows to spell EDDIE. Once EDDIE is completely spelled out, the “Battle” insert lights at the Pharaoh center ramp shot – shoot it to start the flashing mode. You are spotted two EDDIE letters toward your first mode. As you complete modes, subsequent modes become harder to qualify by reducing the number of white arrows available to spell EDDIE and not spotting any free letters. It will eventually cap out at 2 random lit shots that change when they’re hit.
If EDDIE is not yet fully spelled, then shooting the left spinner will change the flashing mode. Once EDDIE is completed, the flashing mode is locked in and cannot be changed. You cannot replay a previously played mode until after you play all five modes plus 2 Minutes to Midnight. You also may not make progress toward your next mode while your current mode is being played. Single-ball modes can be stacked with either Trooper or Mummy Multiball, provided that the mode was started prior to the start of the multiball. 2-ball Eddie Battles are mutually exclusive and cannot be stacked with any other multiball.
Winning any Eddie Battle lights the bullseye target to score a Soul Shard. Playing all five Eddie Battles qualifies the sixth Eddie Battle, 2 Minutes to Midnight.
Aces High: 2-ball Multiball. Every blue shot defeats a fighter - defeat four fighters at any eight major shots to move onto stage 2. Defeat the two bombers by shooting either ramp, then the bullseye target - repeat this for both ramps.
Then defeat the ace by shooting the strobing shot, followed by the bullseye target within 5 seconds; this final jackpot is multiplied by the bullseye target position, and qualifies the Soul Shard. One add-a-ball is available from the first Mystery Award collected during the multiball. If the player is doing very poorly by their 3rd ball, this will always be the first battle played and cannot be changed like it normally can.
Fear of the Dark: Four shots are lit with purple arrows, shoot any one of them to light the two spinners for a ton of points for one spinner rip (the REVIVE spinner scores 2x the value displayed, and the right ramp adds an additional +2x to spinners if shot before making either spinner). The more difficult the shot, the higher the base spinner value. When you rip a lit spinner, it will unlight after it stops spinning and is no longer available for the lit spinner points. You may get BOTH spinners going during one “rip”, and this awards 4x scoring for the left spinner – but it’s very difficult to execute. Repeat the process three times to win the mode and light the Soul Shard.
Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Center shot is lit to shoot down the albatross and collect a hurry-up counting down from 1M. Shoot center shot to lock in this value as the shot value and start a 2-ball multiball. Shoot either of the two shots on the left side of the playfield (for the shot value + 500k increment) to move them by one shot towards the center for 20 seconds, and shoot the bullseye (or scoop under center ramp) once the shots are centered to score the jackpot worth the total shot values. Then repeat this process for the right side of the playfield, including the drop targets, to qualify the Soul Shard. One add-a-ball is available from the first Mystery Award collected during the multiball.
Hallowed Be Thy Name: Complete the lit shots, in order, as quickly as possible. Four orange arrow shots are lit at the start - both ramps and both orbits. Shooting any orange arrow unlights it for the remainder of the mode. The sequence is as follows: orange arrow (3M), captive ball (5M), orange arrow (3M), all three drop targets (10M), orange arrow (3M), bullseye target for 10M + 1M per time remaining + lights the Soul Shard.
Flight of Icarus: Shoot alternating lit ramps for 2M (+150K increment for each ramp shot, lit or unlit). Combo ramps on a 5 second timer for incremental multiplied scoring (ex: 1st combo at 2x, 2nd at 3x, etc). The multiplied value is factored in after the 150K increment is added, and shooting the same ramp within the 5-second combo timer will reset that timer. Once you’ve earned the 20M points required to qualify the Soul Shard, you can shoot the bullseye target to end the mode early and light the Soul Shard, or you can “risk it” and play it out like normal.
Soul Shards:
Completing any Eddie battle mode will light the bullseye target for 10 seconds to collect a Soul Shard, worth a hurry-up starting at 20% of the points earned during the battle x2 or x3 depending on the position of the bullseye target hit. Shoot the bulls-eye target within 10 seconds (regardless of starting hurry-up value) to collect the Soul Shard. If you drain or if the Hurry-Up expires, then you do not get credit for the Soul Shard.
In addition to the hurry-up points, Soul Shards:
Increase end-of-ball bonus
Light Tomb Treasures are added to “mode scores” during 2 Minutes to Midnight
Increase the bonus awarded for winning Number of the Beast
After playing 2 Minutes to Midnight, the next level 3 Mystery award collected will spot a Soul Shard that hasn’t been collected yet if any remain.
Note: If you collect the final shot of a mode during the mode’s grace period (whether an expiring timer or draining out of multiball), even if you collect the points award for the final shot, you will not start the Soul Shard hurry-up sequence.
2 Minutes to Midnight:
The 6th Eddie battle mode is 2 Minutes to Midnight. This single-ball, timed mode starts with a generous initial ball-save time. There is a timer counting up to midnight. The timer starts at “2 minutes to midnight” but counts up at double speed, making the mode timer effectively 60 seconds. If the timer reaches midnight, the mode ends. Shooting any “X” standup target adds 5 seconds to the timer, one time only; therefore Playfield X can only be activated if one was qualified prior to starting the mode.
At the start of the mode, 5 major shots are lit (corresponding to each of the modes) for 1M + 15% of the total points earned from the respective mode & its corresponding Soul Shard. Collect all lit shots once to light super jackpot at the Super Jackpot target worth the value of all shots, which only resets at the end of the mode. Each lit shot extinguishes after being collected and only relight once all shots have been made. Collecting all lit shots adds +1x to the Super Jackpot multiplier if it is already lit. The multiplier is reset after the super jackpot is scored.
Starting 2MTM immediately awards the Soldier Eddie card at level 1, while scoring a 2x Super Jackpot through the process described above awards the card at level 2. After 2 Minutes to Midnight, the Eddie Battle modes reset and can be played again, but the difficulty of spotting EDDIE letters the 2nd+ time around does not reset.
Power Features:
Make shots around the playfield many times to enable Power Features. The features are:
Power Spinners
Power Orbits
Power Ramps
Power Targets
Power Bumpers
The remaining hits to activate a power feature are displayed on the left side of the screen on gray icons. Once a Power Feature is activated, that feature’s screen icon changes to color with a new decreasing counter established, and that feature’s yellow triangle insert on the playfield will begin flashing. Score more hits on each activated feature to build the Power Jackpot base value by +3M per feature, and to decrease the activate feature’s counter (to zero) to complete the Power Feature.
Complete all five Power Features to light the bullseye target for Cyborg Multiball.
Power Jackpot:
Once any of the five Power Features are completed, the Power Jackpot is available to cash in at the Orb target and that Feature’s yellow triangle insert begins pulsing. There are many ways to increase or even multiply the value of the
Power Jackpot:
Completing any Power Feature - +3M
Tomb Treasure #3 - +15M (if Can I Play With Madness is disabled)
Collect a Level 1 Eddie Card - +5M
Collect a Level 2 Eddie Card - +15M
Completing another Power Feature while Power Jackpot is already lit - +1x
Mystery Award - +1x
Tomb Treasure #8 - +5x
Like all other scoring in Iron Maiden, the Power Jackpot can be further multiplied by activating Playfield X before collecting it.
Cyborg Multiball:
Complete all Power Features to qualify Cyborg Multiball at the bullseye target / center ramp. During Cyborg Multiball, light all of the Power Feature inserts by hitting their corresponding features each at least once to light the Super Jackpot at the Orb, determined by the shots collected prior and starting at 4M (only resetting at the end of the multiball). Collecting a Super Jackpot increases the multiplier for subsequent Super Jackpots by +1x, and the first two Super Jackpots during the multiball add-a-ball. The multiplier resets to 1x at the end of the multiball. As the X targets play a role in lighting the super jackpot, Playfield X can only be activated during the multiball by bringing one into it.
Starting Cyborg Multiball lights the Cyborg Eddie card at level 1, and scoring a 5x Super Jackpot nets you the card at level 2. After completing Cyborg Multiball, the Power Features reset and increase in value and difficulty.
Trooper Multiball:
Complete the drop targets when “Light Lock” is flashing (two drop target completions the first time) to light all 3 locks at the orbits. Hit the green arrow orbit shot(s) to virtually lock a ball. For the first multiball, both the left orbit and the right loop are lit to lock a ball. For subsequent multiballs, each Lite Lock award only lights one ball lock, and only one shot is lit for a lock. Lock 3 balls to start Trooper Multiball.
Trooper is a 3-ball multiball (4-ball multiball if Mummy Multiball was lit, and the third lock was collected after grazing the captive ball on the way in). At the start, all shots are lit in blue for 1x jackpot and will unlight when collected. Collecting 3 Jackpots lights the first Super Jackpot at the corresponding target. Scoring the Super Jackpot relights collected jackpots with +1x scoring, while uncollected shots remain lit at their previous scoring level.
Jackpot shot color progression denoting which shots are multiplied at different levels is reverse rainbow: BGYOR (blue, green, etc). Collecting all the lit jackpots will also reset all jackpots to the next multiplier level, but will not automatically score the Super Jackpot.
Completing the drop targets during Trooper Multiball will light the bullseye target to fire the cannon (indicated by the rainbow flashing arrow). You can collect multiple cannon shots in a single multiball, but once you’ve collected one you’ll need to collect a Super Jackpot before you will be allowed to light another cannon shot. Firing the cannon shot scores 1-3 lit jackpots based on the position of the bullseye target hit, and adds a ball (the first time one is collected during the multiball).
Collecting a Super Jackpot during Trooper Multiball will award the Trooper Eddie card at level 1, while the card can be awarded at level 2 Eddie card by either advancing all Jackpots to 3x (yellow) or scoring a single 5x (red) Jackpot. All shots’ Jackpot levels carry over between Trooper multiballs.
Mummy Multiball:
Shoot the Sarcophagus captive ball twice (5 times for subsequent multiballs) to light the Mummy Lock (center ramp on Pro, left ramp on Prem / LE). After locking the ball, spell MUMMY at the captive ball with five more shots to qualify Mummy Multiball, which starts on the next captive ball hit. Third and subsequent Mummy Multiballs require two hits per MUMMY letter.
During Mummy Multiball, qualify jackpots at the captive ball by scoring 10 switch hits + 10 per jackpot. Jackpot qualifications cannot be stacked, and each jackpot spots a MUMMY letter (and lights the left ramp for double switch hits + another jackpot at the captive ball - 2x if the switch hit threshold was reached - on Prem / LE). Spell MUMMY to light Super Jackpot at the bullseye target, multiplied depending on the target hit position. For subsequent jackpot rounds, values are doubled, but only shooting the captive ball when the corresponding MUMMY letter is lit will score a jackpot. MUMMY letter progress toward Mummy SJP is recalled between subsequent Mummy multiballs, but not your switch hit progress within a letter.
Add-a-Balls are available by completing all yellow shots at a given level, and this process also carries over between Mummy Multiball attempts (though is limited to 3 add-a-balls per multiball):
1: Both ramps.
2: Both ramps and both orbits.
3+: Both ramps, both orbits, both loops, center ramp, and Super Jackpot target.
Score the first Super Jackpot during Mummy Multiball to collect the Mummy Eddie card at level 1, and score a second Super Jackpot (doesn’t have to be during the same multiball) to collect the card at level 2.
Eddie Cards:
Collect the 4 Eddie Cards to qualify Number of the Beast. Level 1 Eddie Cards add +5M to Power Jackpot and vanish at the end of a failed Number of the Beast attempt, while Level 2 Eddie Cards are tougher to obtain but are retained across Number of the Beast attempts, add +15M to Power Jackpot value each, and light a Tomb Treasure if all four have been collected at level 2.
Eddie Card requirements are:
Card Level 1 Level 2
Mummy Eddie Mummy MB Super Jackpot Mummy MB 2nd Super Jackpot (per game)
Cyborg Eddie Start Cyborg MB Cyborg MB 5x Super Jackpot
Trooper Eddie Trooper MB Super Jackpot Trooper MB All Jackpots at 3x or 5x Jackpot
Soldier Eddie Start 2 Minutes to Midnight 2 Minutes to Midnight 2x Super Jackpot
Number of the Beast (Wizard Mode):
Collect all 4 Eddie Cards at either level 1 or 2 to qualify Number of the Beast wizard mode.
This is an untimed single-ball mode with a 30-second initial ball save. Three shots are lit with red arrows - shoot any one of them to light the bullseye target shot to enable counter-attacks, though this target has to be made within 5 seconds and the shots relight when time runs out. After a lit bullseye target hit, all shots are lit yellow for 10 seconds to score counter-attacks against the Beast. You cannot shoot the same shot consecutively, and 15 counter-attack shots are required to defeat the Beast. You can re-qualify and repeat the counter-attack phase as needed.
If you lose your ball, you lose your battle against the Beast and have to re-qualify all 4 Eddie Cards that haven’t been advanced to level 2 to challenge the Beast again. If you have all four Level 2 Eddie cards, you will immediately get to rematch the Beast if you have another ball.
Defeating the Beast disables the flippers, drains your ball, and awards 100M plus the values of any Soul Shards that were collected earlier. Normal gameplay resumes on your current ball in play, also with a fresh ball saver. Once the Beast has been defeated, it cannot be challenged again until Run to the Hills has been played.
Tomb Treasures:
Completing various objectives throughout the game lights the Tomb (Pro: right loop, Prem / LE: left ramp) to collect a Tomb Treasure. There are 10 different awards to collect, given in the following order:
Super Slings (slingshots worth 250k + 1K increment for rest of ball)
Boost Power Jackpot +15M or Can I Play With Madness if enabled
Super Combos (5x combos and deathblows for rest of ball)
Light Extra Ball
Light Revive (wasted if Revive is already lit)
Collect 2X Bonus
+5x Power Jackpot
50M + spots a random level 2 Eddie card
Run to the Hills
There are exactly 11 different objectives, including the five Soul Shards, that will light a Tomb Treasure the first time they have been achieved - meaning that repeating the same objective twice will not light another treasure (so you’ll need to complete 10 goals to start Run to the Hills).
Collect a Soul Shard after winning any Eddie battle mode (one treasure per unique shard)
Score a loop jackpot
Score a 6-Way Combo
Mummy MB Super Jackpot
Trooper MB Super Jackpot
Win Number of the Beast
Collect all 4 level 2 Eddie cards
Can I Play With Madness:
This multiball mode is started as the third Tomb Treasure on Prem / LE models of Iron Maiden, along with models that have Insider Connected enabled. It can be disabled as a settings adjustment.
Can I Play With Madness starts as a 2-ball multiball with one lit red shot that the player can move to the right of the playfield with the right flipper, or to the left of the playfield with the left flipper. Once the lit shot is made, a ball is added and 2 moving red shots are lit. Shoot the red shots to turn them green, but avoid shooting them again as they will revert back to red. Shooting the orb locks in lit shots for 10 seconds, and turning all red shots green adds another ball into play. Rinse and repeat until multiball ends. (On Prem / LE, shooting the scoop under the center ramp when lit green will temporarily hold the ball.)
Run To The Hills (Super Wizard Mode):
Collecting the 10th Tomb Treasure begins the elusive 6-ball multiball wizard mode, Run to the Hills. This multiball starts with a generous ball save and seems to be a hybrid of both Cyborg and Trooper Multiball’s rules: all shots are persistently lit for a jackpot, collecting one of each Power feature in order from top-left to bottom-right lights the Super Jackpot at the center ramp, and collecting the Super Jackpot adds +1x to all Jackpots. Spell MUMMY at captive ball to add balls into play.
After starting Run to the Hills, Tomb Treasure progress resets, all Soul Shards are cleared, and all Eddie cards reset.
Other Features:
Drop Target Awards:
Complete the drop targets to collect the flashing award seen to the left of the targets, given in the following order (starting at Light Orb at the start of a new game, or Adv. Bonus X on competition settings):
Adv. Bonus X (maxes out at 50x)
Light Orb
Light Locks
Sweep all three drop targets in a single shot to collect 2x the drop target value (increased by hitting the Orb) and two awards at once. Note that awards can be skipped under certain circumstances; Adv. Bonus X is disabled after reaching 50x bonus, Light Orb is disabled after getting the mystery award to level 3 (collect the award to re-enable it), and Light Locks is disabled if the third lock is currently lit.
Loop Jackpot:
Shoot either upper loop to increase the value of, and eventually light, the Loop Jackpot. Loop awards are displayed by the big loop inserts, and are additive when more than one insert is flashing. Each loop scores the lit value, adding it to the Loop Jackpot and increasing it by 250K, up to a max base value of 2.5M. The lit loop value decreases over time back to 250K. Shooting the big loop without holding the upper left flipper scores and adds 2x the current loop value, while one shot to the mini-loop scores and adds 3x the current loop value, and lights the 2x Loop insert for about 6 seconds; once the timer expires or the loop value decays back to 250K, 2x Loop is disabled.
Loop Jackpot is enabled after 5 (+2) shots to any loops, indicated by the bright red insert; and if the qualifying shot was via the big loop, the up-post will divert the ball to the mini flipper. Every loop jackpot is worth the total value that was built up with loop shots prior to lighting the jackpot, and can be collected for 12 seconds with +1x multiplier per shot - after reaching 4x, the ball will be diverted to the upper left flipper, and the third and subsequent Loop Jackpots can only be multiplied by not raising the upper left flipper. The loop value resets after each Loop Jackpot collected. Loop Jackpot is disabled if the ball drains, even if it has just been qualified, and the timer for subsequent Loop Jackpot shots pauses for nothing.
Collect a Loop Jackpot to light a Tomb Treasure. Collect 30 loops over the course of a game - not including Loop Jackpots - to light an extra ball.
Playfield Multiplier:
Shoot the flashing X targets around the playfield to light a return lane for 2x playfield scoring, which can be alternated between lanes with the flippers. If 2x Playfield is qualified, complete the X targets a second time to qualify 3x Playfield. Subsequent completions of the X targets with 3x qualified will increase the timer for the playfield multiplier. Qualified Playfield X will carry between balls.
Once qualified, activate the PFx by rolling over the lit return lane. Once activated, the associated 2X or 3X insert begins flashing. The base timer for the playfield multiplier is 20 seconds. Hitting a flashing X target while the multiplier is active will add 5 seconds to the timer. While there’s no timer displayed on-screen, the 2X/3X insert will flash faster as you get close to the timer expiring.
If you aren’t in a mode, alley passing from the right flipper through the left inlane into the Gravestone target will spot a flashing X target. Playfield X can be instantly qualified by completing a Super Skill Shot, and is always available to qualify except during Cyborg MB and 2 Minutes to Midnight.
Shoot the left spinner to spell REVIVE and light the outlanes for an outlane ball-save - both outlanes light for the first REVIVE, only one for subsequent spellings. On factory settings, each outlane’s Revive is used individually – so when both outlanes are lit, you effectively have earned two Revives. On harder Revive settings, using one outlane Revive will unlight both outlanes. You cannot stack Revives; new REVIVE letters cannot be spotted while both outlane Revives are lit, but they can be spotted if only one outlane is lit. Lit Revives carry over between balls. If both Revives are lit, the spinner scoring is boosted.
Orb Award:
Complete the drop targets when “Light Orb” is lit to light the Orb mystery award at its corresponding target. Collect Light Orb again before shooting the Orb to increase the mystery level, up to level 3, for better awards.
There is an instant info page showing the current mystery level and also all its available awards.
Gravestone Target:
Shatzing (alley passing) the left inlane to send the ball into the gravestone standup target will help you out with a running mode or multiball. If no mode or multiball is running, it will spot you one “X” target toward your next Playfield X qualification.
Combos & Deathblows:
A “combo” is performed by hitting distinct shots on the playfield in succession. Each different shot you hit will advance the active combo by 1. Unlike most games, an active combo does not “time out” if you take too long between shots. A combo ends when one of the following occurs:
A Deathblow has been scored
A shot that was already used as part of the active combo has been made
Any standup, drop target, or 2 pop bumpers have been hit
Shots that count towards combos:
Left Ramp
Big Loop
Left Orbit
Mini Loop
Right Ramp
Right Orbit
Combo scoring starts at 500,000 for a 2-way combo and increases exponentially. Since there are 6 different shots that can be used as part of a combo, the longest possible combo is 6-Way, which will also light a Tomb Treasure. When a
combo is currently in progress, the lamp to the right of the upper right flipper will strobe.
Ending a combo by hitting certain shots/targets awards a Deathblow, which scores points based on the length of the active combo. Deathblows also count up in end-of-ball bonus, and some shots will award a Super Deathblow worth 3x the value of a standard deathblow:
Extra Ball target
Captive ball
Bullseye target
Center of the bullseye target (Super)
Super Jackpot target (Super)
REVIVE spinner (Super)
Fun fact - the maximum possible Deathblow value is 900M! (20M for a 6-Way Combo, x3 for ending with a Super Deathblow, x3 with Playfield X, x5 with Super Combos)
Extra Balls:
There are three ways to light extra balls, which can be scored at the extra ball “X” target:
Complete 3 Power Features
5th Tomb Treasure
30 loops (excluding Loop Jackpot shots)
End of Ball Bonus:
Bonus is scored as follows, and multiplied by Bonus X:
Switches × 3,500
MUMMY Letters × 25,000
Deathblows × 45,000
Loops × 50,000
Power Features Completed × 75,000
Soul Shards Collected × 250,000
Eddie Cards Collected × 250,000 (level 2 Eddie cards count as two cards for bonus purposes)
The single-ball Eddie battles (Fear of the Dark, Hallowed Be Thy Name, and Flight of Icarus) can be stacked up with either Trooper or Mummy Multiball if the shot that starts it is made during the mode. This potentially makes it a lot easier to qualify the Soul Shards for the modes. Flight of Icarus also works well as a stack with Mummy Multiball - the shots you have to make for your first add-a-ball just happen to be the ones you have to make during the mode.
Hallowed and Trooper MB is also a very strong stack.
Soul Shards can be collected also as level 3 mystery awards after playing 2 Minutes to Midnight. This can be really helpful when trying to reach Run to the Hills.
Work on qualifying the REVIVE at the outlanes during a Multiball or if you have a long enough ball saver. The left spinner is a notoriously risky shot that can end balls very quickly if you aren’t paying attention.
All of the Tomb Treasure awards are multiplied by Playfield Multipliers. Why take 15 million when you could take 45 million?