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KISS (Pro) Stern 2015

Rules Overview:

Choosing Songs (Modes): At the start of a ball, you are be able to choose a song. You will always be able to choose at the start of the game. You must complete a song before you can select another one (mode progress carries over ball to ball).

Skill Shot:

There isn’t a skill shot in the current code, but if you can trigger the right loop switch and then fall back into it, you can trigger any right loop awards. The same is true for the left loop if you can plunge soft enough to delay the left loop switch hit long enough.


One of the major elements of Stern’s Kiss is the Grid, which pays homage to the original. Collecting sets of KISS targets, sets of ARMY targets, sets of band members, and sets of instruments adds bonus to your end-of-ball bonus. Completing the grid once (operator adjustable) lights Heaven’s on Fire Wizard Mode. Normal adjustments have the grid carry over between balls in order to help progress towards Heaven’s on Fire.

“Front Row” Virtual Kickback: Spell out KISS on left target bank (# of times increases for each time you use it) to light Front Row insert in left outlane, which protects against your next left outlane drain.

Target Combos & Hurry-Ups: At any time during normal play, the inside left inlane will light the Army Combo and the right inlane will light the KISS Combo. Shoot the flashing target to instantly complete the targets and increase the Bonus X. If you complete ARMY or KISS, a hurry-up will start at the center ramp and left orbit, respectively. The hurry-up value counter is displayed on the DMD, starts at a base value of 1M for the first hurry-up, and increases for each subsequent hurry-up started. Completing both the KISS and ARMY hurry-ups will make the next shot made worth 2x for the rest of the ball.

Bumper Awards: Once the leftmost left inlane is rolled over, one of the four lights will light on the right orbit. Once the right orbit is shot, the pop bumpers that match up with each light will advance and the lights on the right orbit will turn off. The first level is red (13k per hit versus the standard 10k), second is green (16k per hit), and third is purple (20k per hit). It’s a good idea to go for these, as lighting all of the pop bumpers once will award the Catman insert flashing for the KISS Army Wizard Mode and lighting all the pops in purple awards Catman insert solidly lit for the Rock City Wizard Mode. The center ramp allows you to increase bumper values easily, as it feeds the inlane you need to roll over.

Backstage Pass (Mystery award): Completing both the KISS and Army targets will light the scoop for Backstage Pass. This is a mystery award that can’t be stacked. And once you get past the first completion of each, your PF insert grid will remain solid for both KISS and ARMY, so it’s difficult to know which one is needed to light your next Backstage Pass.

List of Backstage Pass Awards:

Add-A-Ball (first award during any Multiball, as soon as the ball save times out.)
2 Million + Light Backstage Pass (awarded during Multiball if the ball save is active, to prevent Add-A-Ball from being awarded early on.)
Shot Multipliers Lit
Super Ramps (ramp combos score double)
Super Spinner (making the spinner as a combo scores double)
Super Targets
Super Bumpers
Super Scoring (replaces the “Fast Scoring” in older code)
Bonus X
Hold Bonus

City Combos: There are 15 unique City Combos available in KISS by making certain combinations of shots in a row. Completing a City Combo scores a bonus of 1 million times the number of shots involved in the Combo. On default settings, completing 5 City Combos lights the Extra Ball.

List of City Combos:

Chicago (2-Way): Center ramp - right ramp
Pittsburgh (2-Way): Right ramp - center ramp
Seattle (2-Way): Left orbit - Backstage Pass scoop
Portland (2-Way): Left orbit - STAR targets
Los Angeles (3-Way): Right ramp - center ramp - Demon
Houston (3-Way): Right ramp - center ramp - right orbit
New Orleans (3-Way): Center ramp - right ramp - left orbit
Atlanta (3-Way): Center ramp - right ramp - Backstage Pass scoop
Orlando (3-Way): Center ramp - right ramp - STAR targets
Mexico City (4-Way): Center ramp - right ramp - left orbit - Backstage Pass scoop
Tokyo (4-Way): Center ramp - right ramp - left orbit - STAR targets
London (4-Way): Center ramp - right ramp - center ramp - right ramp
New York (4-Way): Right ramp - center ramp - right ramp - center ramp
San Francisco (5-Way): Center ramp - center ramp - center ramp - center ramp - right orbit
Detroit (10-Way): Center ramp - right ramp - center ramp - right ramp - center ramp - right ramp - center ramp - right ramp - center ramp - right ramp. Good luck getting this one!

Multipliers: There are multiple shot and playfield multipliers in KISS. There are two shot multipliers in the current version:

Combo Multiplier: Shooting any shot will cause certain other shots to flash rapidly. Successfully shooting one of these shots will award twice the score of that shot for hitting it in combo.

Shot Multiplier: Completing both the KISS and ARMY targets’ hurry-ups will light up all shots white and will make the next shot made worth 2x for the rest of the ball. Qualifying and completing both hurry-ups again on the same ball will allow you to set 2x scoring on an additional shot. This can be repeated for all shots.

There are also 2 playfield multipliers in the current version as well:

Playfield Multiplier: Completing a song will start an untimed 2x/3x/5x/10x playfield scoring that lasts until the end of the ball (on default settings). For each song completed, the playfield multiplier awarded increments one step. Demon Playfield Multiplier: Locking 1/2 balls back in the Demon during Demon Multiball (see below) awards 2x/3x playfield for 20 seconds.

The Playfield Multipliers stack additively with each other: having 5x Playfield and 2x Demon awards 7x Playfield, and visually, having both 2x and 3x inserts lit means you’re currently at 5x Song Multiplier. Shot and Playfield Multipliers stack multiplicatively with each other: having 3x Playfield and 2x Shot Multipliers awards 6x the scoring on that shot. A maximum of 52x scoring can be achieved on a single shot (13x Playfield, 2x Shot, 2x Combo)!

Collecting Instruments: Shooting the right ramp lights an instrument at either the STAR targets (Starchild’s Guitar), center ramp (Spaceman’s Guitar), Demon (Bass), or left orbit (Drums) to collect an instrument. These are not on a timer and, on default settings, more than one can be lit at a time by continuously shooting the right ramp until all 4 are lit. Collecting X instruments (adjustable) will light the extra ball at the scoop. Collecting six instruments will start the Spaceman insert flashing for KISS Army Wizard Mode, and collecting twelve instruments will light the Spaceman solidly for Rock City Wizard Mode.

Songs: Like AC/DC, a new song plays for the duration of each new song mode you select. I hope you liked modes in Transformers, because KISS song modes are very similar logic. But unlike Transformers, they are untimed, so there’s very little sense of urgency toward shot-making. To complete each song you must shoot approximately 8-10 lit/flashing color arrows, or in one instance, the flashing KISS targets. Song mode details are below. Once you complete a song, you must shoot the scoop “New Track” to choose another one that you haven’t already played. You may not select a completed song again. If you drain without completing a song, you sometimes have the option of changing to a different song mode on your next plunge (not sure what determines this). Further, if you re-select a partially completed song, your number of shots made is saved and carries over to the next time you choose that song. Songs may be stacked with Multiballs and Wizard Modes, but the Song must be started prior to the start of the Multiball/Wizard Mode.

Completing a song awards an untimed 2x, 3x, 5x, or 10x Playfield Multiplier for the remainder of that ball, increasing with the number of songs completed during that ball.

As a note, scoring on each song resets between balls - hence “shots made” is actually “shots made on the current ball.”

Deuce: Starting at the left two shots (Left Loop and STAR targets), shooting a lit shot will move the two lit shots to the right by one shot (Center Ramp, Demon, Right Ramp, and then Right Orbit). Interestingly, an unlit shot just to the left of the lit shots also counts as a mode shot. After crossing the playfield once, two shots will strobe back and forth across the playfield. Shooting a lit shot causes the lights to strobe faster, and shooting another lit shot causes the lights to strobe even faster. After shooting this final strobe shot, the mode is completed. Shots are worth (300k x shots made), up to 2.4m.

Hotter Than Hell: Alternate between shooting the flashing KISS targets and the subsequently lit random major shot on the playfield. Shooting the lit major shot relights the KISS targets. After completing 8 shots, the mode is completed. KISS targets are worth (250k x shots made) and the shots are worth double, up to 1.75m and 4m for the last set of drop targets and a shot.

Lick It Up: Mode begins with two neighboring shots lit, either the left orbit and the STAR targets, the STAR targets and the center ramp, the center ramp and the Demon shot, or the Demon shot and the right ramp. Shooting a lit shot moves the lit shots to another pair of neighboring shots. Shoot 8 shots to complete. Scoring is worth (250k x shots made), up to 2m on the final shot.

Shout It Out Loud: Shoot center ramp, then orbits, then STAR targets, right ramp and demon. Scoring is (?)

Detroit Rock City: Essentially, it’s the Ratchet mode from Transformers (or more recently, Cruisin’ from Mustang, but without using standup targets as part of the mode). All shots lit at start of ball and will go out after completing a shot, but the left-most lit arrow will flash, denoting that the shot is worth double. After hitting the first 6 shots, they will all re-light and you need to hit three more shots to finish the mode. Each shot is worth (200k x shots made), with the final shot worth 1.8m if solid and 3.6m if flashing.

Rock & Roll All Night: Shoot the center ramp to light the Right Loop. Shooting the Right Loop lights the two left-most shots on the game (Left Loop and STAR targets), and shooting one of those lights the two right-most shots on the game (Right Loop and Right Ramp). Shooting one of those shots lights the three left-most shots on the game (two from before plus Center Ramp). From here, 3 more shots are made using alternating sides of the playfield (three right shots are the same two from before plus the Demon). Each shot is worth (500k x shots made), up to 4m on the final shot.

Love It Loud: Two phases. Phase 1: Left & right orbits lit at start of ball. Hitting both orbits lights the four other shots. Phase 2: Hitting one of the four unlights it, leaving three. Hit one of the three to unlight it, and the prior shot relights, always leaving you with three. Shoot 8 shots in Phase 2 to complete.

Black Diamond: We wouldn’t want Ratchet to feel lonely, so let’s throw in TF’s Devastator mode, too! (though slightly easier than Devastator because it only requires one initial R orbit shot) Shoot the right orbit to collect a value and enter the pop bumpers, where the pops hits determine which shot is lit next. Then shoot the lit shot – even repeatedly, so having the good fortune to land on the center ramp is preferred – to score and make progress on 8 shots in total. Each shot is worth (300k x shots made), up to 2.4m on the final shot.

Demon Multiball: Complete the two green lock targets, or spell DEMON by shooting into the Demon when Lock is not lit (which also advances the jackpot by 500k) to light Lock at the Demon shot. These locks can be physical or virtual, with the latter ejecting the ball out of a VUK from Gene’s mouth. For the first multiball, lit locks can be stacked. Completing 3 locks will begin Demon Multiball. Starting this mode will also light the Demon insert flashing for KISS Army.

All major shots are lit to score the Jackpot value, but each shot can only be used twice prior to the Double Jackpot. Collecting five Jackpots makes the next lit shot award a Super Jackpot. Collecting two Super Jackpots lights a strobing shot for the Double Jackpot, and completing this shot lights the Double Super Jackpot at the Demon shot. During the multiball, hitting both lock targets will light the Demon for a 20-second ball hold (or not, depending on settings) and playfield multiplier. Holding one ball awards 2x Playfield, and completing the targets again and locking a second ball awards 3x Playfield. The balls are spit out of the VUK after the Playfield X goes away, so be ready! Collecting the Double Super Jackpot lights the Demon insert solid for Rock City wizard mode progress.

Beware of Gene spitting the ball SDTM, although a short ball save is provided in single ball play to compensate (adjustable in settings). WARNING: During any multiball, when Gene spits a ball back at you, the ball save insert may flash, but it lies unless the game settings have specifically been adjusted to provide a Gene ball-save during multiball. You will not get a ball back during the multiball, unless that setting has been turned on for multiball.

Qualifying the second Demon Multiball does not allow for lock stacking, and the third Demon Multiball requires two completions of the lock targets to light a lock.

Love Gun Multiball: Qualify Love Gun by getting enough STAR target hits in the Starchild mini-playfield. Settings can be adjusted on how much progress you get per hit, but subsequent LGMB will always take more hits than the prior one. Once you’ve filled up the progress bar, LGMB is qualified, the R ramp’s purple insert is lit, and it can be started via a R ramp shot or a lucky bounce into the Starchild playfield saucer.

Now LGMB starts as a 2-ball multiball with different behaviors between the Pro and Prem/LE versions: Pro: (More difficult than the Prem/LE) whether LGMB is started at the R ramp or the saucer, there will be 2 balls in play during the Hurry-Up phase described above. You must hit one of the STAR standups to collect the Hurry-Up and get your third ball added into play.

Apparently, Optimus Prime is a KISS fan: After the initial Hurry-Up phase, all shots are lit for a Jackpot. Shoot one, and that shot is now the only shot lit for a Double Jackpot. Complete all of the Jackpot/Double Jackpot shots to light the right ramp for a Triple Jackpot. Shoot the right ramp to light a Super Jackpot at the Starchild shot. Hitting any STAR target will score this massive Super Jackpot (50M base value). Collecting the Super Jackpot will also light the Starchild insert solid for Rock City.

Heaven’s on Fire Mini-Wizard Mode: Completing all 16 lights (KISS, ARMY, Pop Bumpers, and Instruments) in the bonus grid twice (adjustable down one completion) lights Heaven’s on Fire at the scoop. During this mode, the objective is to complete the grid again by completing the KISS and ARMY banks, shooting the 4 lit instrument shots (right ramp spots one as well), and shooting the right orbit into the pop bumpers. Once the grid is complete, shoot the scoop to score a Super Jackpot. The Add-A-Ball works differently on this wizard mode compared to other multiballs and can be collected once per Super Jackpot by completing the STAR targets.

Wizard Modes: The other Wizard modes are lit at the scoop after collecting all the band member inserts flashing (KISS Army) or solid (Rock City). Collect the inserts by:

-Spaceman: Collect six instruments and the insert will begin flashing. Collect 12 instruments to light solidly.
-Starchild: Start Love Gun Multiball and the insert will begin flashing. Collect the Super Jackpot to light it solidly.
-Demon: Start Demon Multiball and the insert will begin flashing. Collect the Double Super Jackpot to light the insert solidly.
-Catman: Light four bumpers to make the insert begin flashing. Light all four bumpers purple to light solidly.

KISS Army Wizard Mode: Apparently, copying one version of Optimus Prime MB wasn’t enough. So here’s the Decepticon version of it, just worth a bunch more points. After collecting all four inserts flashing, KISS Army is lit at the scoop. Shoot it to begin KISS Army Multiball. Lit shots score very lucrative values. All shots besides the Demon are initially lit for a jackpot. After hitting a shot, the Demon shot will be lit for a Double Jackpot. Hitting the Demon shot will then relight the other shots that have not been hit. Completing all the shots and double jacks then lights the Demon shot again for a nice super jackpot worth the sum of your double jacks collected. Use lit Mystery at scoop for Add-a-ball also works during this multiball.

Rock City Wizard Mode: Lighting all four band member inserts solid will light Rock City mode at the scoop. This is a multi-phase untimed multiball wizard mode, where you have to complete particular types of shots or switches to complete each phase, move onto the next phase, and add a ball (plus short new ball-save). The wizard mode will continue in single-ball play even after draining down to one ball (which may be timed at that point). Presumably, making it through all the phases will light a Super Jackpot, likely the sum total of all the phases jackpot values added together.


Collect each of the 4 Instrument shots
Spell KISS ARMY via the standup banks
KISS Towers: Hit 25 pops.
Spell DEMON by shooting the Demon head 5 times.
Get 16 hits on Starchild targets.
Get 25 spins.

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