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WIZARD! (EM) Bally 1975

Quick strategy
Flip all four flags- or at least, flags 3 and 4- then shoot the top saucer via the left orbit. The saucer will kick the ball down the flag award lane, and you will get double bonus plus a lit spinner if flags 3 and 4 were flipped. From here, just keep shooting the left orbit, transferring the ball from left to right when necessary and nudging at the top of the table to get the ball to land in the top saucer when possible.

Shots and table features

Top rollover buttons
Both score 100 points and 1 bonus advance. The one on the left flips flag 1, and the one on the right flips flag 4.

Top saucer
Scores 3,000 points and 3 bonus advance before sending the ball down the flag collect lane. The ball landing in this saucer is the ideal outcome of any trip to the top of the table (both from plunge and from the left orbit).

Flags and flag awards
The 1, 2, and 3 flags are flipped by hitting the standup targets in the lower left of the game. The 4 flag has a standup target in the middle-right of the game. The 1 and 4 flags can also be flipped by the top rollover buttons. Any of these features that can flip a flag score 100 points and a bonus advance.

The flag award lane, which can only be entered from the top, is best accessed via the kickout from the top saucer, but sometimes friendly bumpers will knock the ball over here as well. There are 4 star rollovers in this lane: each one always scores 100 points and advances the bonus. The star rollovers that are next to flags that have been flipped will be lit. Going through this lane will reset all flags, awarding the values for whichever flags were flipped: flag 1 lights the yellow bumpers for 100 points instead of 10, flag 2 lights the center standup target for 3,000 points instead of 300, flag 3 lights double bonus, and flag 4 lights the spinner for 100 points per spin instead of 10. The double bonus and the spinner are much more important than the other two awards, so try to flip flags 3 and 4 and collect their awards early on each ball.

Left orbit
Really the only safe shot in the game, which makes it the only shot you should really be taking. The spinner at the front of the orbit scores 10 points per spin, or 100/spin if flag 4's award has been collected. If the base bonus is maxed out at 19,000 points, this orbit is also lit for extra ball. Make this shot constantly to keep the ball going up toward the saucer.

Center standup target
Always scores a bonus advance. Its point value is 300 points by default, or 3,000 if flag 2's award has been collected. This is one of Bally's typical sucker targets, trying to bait you in with a big number when all it's really there for is to center drain your ball on the rebound.

Right standup target
At the back of its own mini-lane, this target scores 5,000 points, and is lit for a special if the base bonus is maxed out at 19,000 points. The giant posts on either side of this target's alcove make it a deceptively precise shot, with misses being punished severely. Most of the time, it's not recommended to try to go for it. However, on certain machines, a skilled and brave player may be able to use this target as a transfer shot to score points while getting the ball from the left to the right flipper. It's always safer to transfer the ball with a tap or post pass, but that may be an option for certain people who really want to max out their points per minute efficiency.

Bottom of the table
Wizard has a conventional in/out lane setup. Out lanes score 1,000 points. In lanes score 500 points and a bonus advance. That's it; nothing at the bottom of the table can be lit for alternate values.

Bonus and bonus multiplier
Bonus is advanced by the in lanes, the center target, the standup targets in the bumper area, and anything that would flip one of the four flags. Double bonus can only be collected as flag #3's award. There are no multipliers higher than 2x, and double bonus is not given for free on the last ball of the game. Max bonus is 2x 19,000 = 38,000 points. There is no way to carry the base bonus or the double bonus light over to the next ball, and there is no mid-ball bonus collect. If the bonus is maxed out at 19,000 points, the left orbit is lit for an extra ball and the right alcove target is lit for a special. All scoring features reset when the ball drains.

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